Monday 24 September 2007

Back to Adelaide

Hi everyone. I'm Back where I started, back in Adelaide. It actually felt a bit like coming home. I know now that I'm going back to Switzerland soon and it feels good in some ways but I'll also miss Australia and especial Adelaide.
Here now my last story about Australia.

12.09.2007 Start in Darwin and Kakadu NP
We started this day at about midday an drove straight to Kakadu NP. We staid the first night at Ubir where we had a look on the Aborigines Art Paintings and enjoyed the sunset on the wetland. The next day was quit busy. We went in the morning to Nourlangie Rock and did a 12km walk to the top and around. Very nice walk but for me actually a bit too hot. It was to this time usually about 32-35 Degree and very humid. We had after on the way to Maguk Gorge a look on the Yellow Waters. Everything was quit nice but also nothing very special.


Nourlangie Rock

"Insider" Pool

We left on the third day already the NP just with a very nice stop at a insider place at a little waterfall. We had an other nice swim at Mataranka which is a warm spring before we went a bit further.
Devil's Marbles and Alice Springs
We Drove this day a very long distance a reached in the afternoon the Devil's Marbles. I think the name says everything about it.

We stayed this night on a rest area and drove the next day with just a couple problems to Alice springs. We had a flat tyre about 100 km before Alice. We changed the tyre and went on but then the spare tyre exploded. That's something that happens a lot here in the outback but after never something happened for about 20'000km you just don't expect it anymore. This was still not a problem, that's the reason why I have a Tyre Repair Kit which I used. We just had to stop someone cos our little compressor was broken the day before. We finally reached Alice went to Trephina Gorge east of Alice found a nice campground back in Alice and went out at night to the famous Bojangles Saloon ( On the end a very nice day.

Trephina Gorge

17.09.2007 West Mc Donnalds Ranges
We spent this day at different places in the West Mc Donnald Ranges. We built up our tents on a nice free camping spot near Glen Hellen where we had a beautiful view around.
Free Camping Spot

We did a walk in a other Gorge in this area and went on the Mereenie Loop to Tnorala (Gosse Bluff) a relict from a big meteorite impact. We drove further on to Kings Canyon where we stayed that night.


19.09.2007 Kings Canyon, Kata Tjuta and Uluru
We packed all our stuff together the next day and went for a walk at Kings Canyon. An absolute amazing place. A very nice place just to spent time and enjoy the atmosphere.

We had the rest of the day a perfect timing. We went to the Uluru resort built up our tents and drove to the Kata Tjuta which is more or less the same like Uluru just a different shape. I liked this place actually more then Uluru which we saw in the next morning at sunrise.
Kata Tjuta


This was the last stage for Thibaut which left our group at the junction Uluru-Kata Tjuta. We started after that and cross on the same day the border to South Australia.
21.09.2007 Finally to Adelaide
We did just a couple stops on the way to Adelaide. We stoped in Cooper Pedie which is famous for Opal mining and spent one and a half day in the Flinders Rangers where I already have been bofore I begun to travel.
Cooper Pedie
Underground Church in Cooper Pedie

Flinder Ranges National Park

We arrived at the 23 of September Adelaide. I'm very happy that I can stay at my Friend's place. Thank you for that Tobi. I try now to sell my car and might have a look on some things like the Museum or the Zoo just to have a good and relaxed time before I'll start my long long flight home.

Thursday 6 September 2007

The Kimberleys Broom - Darwin

Hi everyone

I'm already in Darwin. I cross the Kimberley's without any troubles. The Kimberley's is a bit a Myth. Everyone told us how hard it is to travel in the Kimberley's. They told us that it's one of the remotest areas in Australia. Nothing else then wildness and just small tracks which not allowed to drive faster then 10 km/h. You have to carry heaps water and food for the double time if something happen and you get stuck somewhere and have to wait a week before someone is passing by.

This Myth is definitely BUSTED!!!

The Kimberley's have been like this just 5 years ago but not anymore. There are still some places where you can go without meeting someone for a week but you need a bit better equipment then i have. We traveled for 3 weeks in the Kimberley's and we saw more or less every day other people and about every second day a tour bus! It wasn't what we expected but it was still the best part so far.

1.08.2007 Start in Broom

We started late this day after shopping some food and a tent for Anne (Her little palace). It was already so late that we taught about to stay a night longer but we didn't. We drove into the night and reached a picnic area next to the Williame Bridge which does cross the Fitzroy River.


This was the first day in the Kimberley's. We drove to Derby had a quick look on the Boab Prison Tree which was used as a kind of prison and drove our first kilometers on the Gibb River Road which does cross the Kimberley's. We went to the Tunnel Creek a small national park next to the Windjana NP where we camped this night.

Tunnel Creek

An other beautiful day. We went to the Windjana Gorge. An absolute amazing Gorge. We went to the end of the gorge and back and saw our first crocs without a fence but no worries this crocs are just fresh water crocs. They aren't aggressive but they looking scaring enough.
We stayed at night at silent grove a campsite next to bell gorge which was planed for the next day. Bell Gorge was for like a little paradise and what has been very good, croc free. It was always a nice feeling to go for a swim. We went also to Bell gorge and made our way to Galvans Gorge,which is just a little Gorge next to the street, and further to Manning Gorge Camp Ground.

Windjana Gorge

Bell Gorge

We made our way to Manning Gorge after a night with a bushfire surrounding the campsite. It was the first time we saw a bushfire that close. It was a bit strange. It was more exciting as scary. It is also amazing how long it can burn. The bushfire was still burning when we came back from the gorge. The Gorge was absolute fantastic. Amazing big waterfall and a nice swim.
We drove this day to a bush campground next to King Edward River.

Manning Gorge

So we left the Gibb River Road and went up north to the Mitchell Falls a absolute highlight in the Kimberley's. We reached the camp ground in the afternoon and went to the falls on the same day. It's a nice hike to the falls and the falls are absolute amazing. It's hard to imagine how it looks in the wet season when there is about 10 or 20 times more water flowing down the falls. I wish i could see it but the whole area is closed. No street is drivable at this time. A worker on a station told us that they are can't leave the Farm for about 3 to 4 month every year also not to see a doctor. We ask this guy what's happen if someone gets sick and his answer was that you just don't get sick in this time.
We planed the next day to go to Crystal Head a beach about 60km north but we cave up the track was too ruff. So we decided to spent the rest of the day at Surveyors Pool that's a great pool and waterfall which we could enjoy for the whole time without any other people around.

Mitchell Falls

Crystal Head

Surveyers Pool

We decided this day to go further north so we went to Kalumburu. That's a mission and a Aborigines community. We filled up our tank and built up our tents at Honeymoon Beach lovely spot. We drove the next day the whole way back to Gibb River Road and a bit further on it until Ellenbrae. A very lovely station which has a little camp ground. A must for everyone who is travelling on the Gibb River Road.

Honeymoon Beach

The next spot we have been to was El Questro. That's seems to be a national park but it's actually private land with a big Resort on it. There are some very nice places but the most places are packed with tourists.

By the way, that was my little family in this Time

Anne, Toni, Me, Martin and Heidi

On the way to El Questro

El Questro

We packed this day everything together in El Questro, had a last hike and drove straight to Purnululu NP, known as Bungle Bungle.

We did two short but nice walks. First to the mini Palms Gorge and afterwards to Echidna Gorge. We could already see the typic bungle bungle structure in the rocks. The most rocks have this black and red horizontal stripes. You feel sometimes like on a other planet. It dosen't seems real.
We went on the next day to the one and only Bungle Bungles. It's a absolute amazing area. Not just the Bungle Bungles also the different gorges and lookouts.

Mini Palms and Echidna Gorge

Bungle Bungle


We hit the road again and made our way up north to Kununara. It's a nice little town. We went out for a drink and made our plan for the next day. We drove the next day to Nitmiliuk NP (Kathrine Gorge NP) with a short stop for a swim in Lake Argyle. We reached the campground at about 1 o'clock at night. Everything was quit and sleeping except Walabis.
The next day was more a bit relaxing. we did a short hikke to the Butterfly Gorge and stayed there for a while for a swim and a bit climbing.

This was a special day. We did something completly different. We hired canous. We had also a profesional with us, Anne used to go withwater kayaking a lot. It was good fun also without whitewater.
A special occasion happend at night. We saw a Moon Eclipse.

We had a look on the Cutta Cutta Caves and a swim at the Edith Falls which was realy realy nice, pheraps a bit to nice, it looked a bit like made by Walt Disney. After this we drove further straight to Litchfield NP which is just about 2 houres away from Darwin.
We went to the Magnetic Thermites on the next day and spent the rest of the day on Tjaynera Falls. A very nice and quit place. A greate spot for relaxing, swimming and a bit rock climbing.

Edith Falls

Magnetic Thermites, Tjanyera Falls

A busy but great day. We packed everything in the early morning and went to Florence Falls for a swim and after to Wangis Falls for a swim too. Then we drove about 2 houres to Darwin picked up our tickets for John Buttler Trio concert, found a hostel, had a shower and went to a great concert with friends who we meet in Exmouth and Broom.

The End
That was my trip in the great Kimberley's. It was a very good time with very good friends. I thank all my travelmates for a great and unforgettable time.

The biggest part of my travel is alredy behind me. It seems just like a small step what's left. It's about 3000 km from Darwin to Adelaide. It sounds quit a lot but when i compare it with the 18000 km i drove already in just 3 month then it's not longer that much. I'm nearly ready to leave Darwin. I'm going the next 2 days on a rock climbing trip and hope that i find some new travelmates until monday for my last small step.

It's a funny thing with travelling. You meet so many people, you meet now and then very good friends but it's always just for a short time. It's for me the hardest thing during my travel, to lose friends continuous and although keep going.

I'm looking forward to see all my friends again. In Adelaide, Switzerland, Germany pheraps later in Korea or Italy and Toni wherever you end up.